25th April, 2024

2024 April - Navigating Talent Trends

We bring you insights into the top 10 industries and job functions with the most job posts on JobNet.com.mm in April 2024. Stay ahead of the curve and make informed decisions as you navigate the evolving talent market in Myanmar.


Here are the rankings of the to 10 industries in the order of most jobs posted on JobNet.com.mm for April 2024:

  1. Banking/ Insurance/ Microfinance
  2. Trading/Distribution/Import/Export
  3. Telecommunications
  4. Education/Training
  5. FMCG
  6. IT/Computer
  7. Manufacturing
  8. Food and Beverage/Catering
  9. Construction/Building/Architecture
  10. Retail/Wholesale

The list below highlights the top 10 job functions with the most job postings on JobNet.com.mm for April 2024. Whether you're seeking to expand your team, streamline your workforce, or stay ahead in the talent acquisition game, these insights will help you make informed decisions in your recruitment and growth strategies. Discover the most in-demand functions that are shaping the job market and driving success for businesses in Myanmar from highest to lowest:

  1. Sales, Business Development
  2. IT Hardware, Software
  3. Finance, Accounting, Audit
  4. Marketing, Media, Creative
  5. Engineering, Technical, HSE
  6. HR, Training and Recruitment
  7. Administrative
  8. Customer Service, Support
  9. Education, Teaching, Childcare
  10. Logistics, Warehousing, Port

To learn more about JobNet.com.mm or Alote.com.mm products or features, email us at sales@jobnet.com.mm or call 09 9544 591 77 and we will reach out to you as soon as possible.