Family Mandalar Group of Companies This Profile has been Verified as real by the Company.

This Profile has been Verified as real by the Company.
About Family Mandalar Group of Companies

Employer Details

  • Type: Direct Employer
  • Industry: Medical/Hospital
  • No. Employees: 501 to 1000


No 1001 , Pyay Road , Insein Township , Yangon,Yangon, Myanmar

What we do

Family Mandalar is a diversified and rapidly growing conglomerate based in Myanmar, with its first venture started in 1989.

Our business divisions are among the sectors of healthcare, pharmaceuticals, construction materials manufacturing, distribution, trading, real estate investments, hospitality and F&B.

We are headquartered in the commercial hub of Myanmar, Yangon and our business reach is in the span of many cities across the nation. We also have highly established presence in second commercial capital of Myanmar, Mandalay. Currently, Family Mandalar has an employment force of more than 900 personnel under our subsidiaries. We consistently maintain international standard quality by being accredited with ISO 9001:2008. Furthermore, we are accelerating with an aim to become one of the leading companies nationwide and regionally, providing quality products and services to positively contribute towards serving the community and in the development process of Myanmar. Our efforts have also been recognised by being awarded from the Ministry of Planning & Finance as one of the top taxpaying companies in Myanmar.

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Family Mandalar Group of Companies Awards