1st September, 2017

5 Résumé Mistakes Everyone Makes – Time to Stop!

When applying for work anywhere in the world – whether it’s for jobs in Yangon or otherwise – having a good résumé is one of the most important things to consider. After all, it is the only way for your potential employer to gauge you and your abilities before you even meet. However, creating a good résumé is no easy task, as employers are very picky with what they want to see in peoples’ applications.

Many fresh newbies make these most common mistakes – find out what they are and make sure not to do the same!

Miniscule errors

If your résumé is chock full of spelling errors or grammatical mistakes, it only proves two things: one, that you’re not very good at communication; and two, that you’re quite careless about your work. Selling yourself as a potential hire to a person who’s probably never met you before is a monumental task in itself and should be taken as it is; shoddy declaration of your skills and who you are will of course not be taken seriously. Thus, it will lead to your continued unemployment.

Creating a “Universal Resume”

Employers will not waste their time on a résumé that was not made for them. Instead of looking your credentials over and giving you a chance at employment, showing them an obvious template will lead to you getting thrown into the bin instead. If you really want a certain job, make sure that you show it – put some effort into creating something personalized for them. Align your information according to what they want and need. Also, it won’t hurt to create simple but custom designs for some that you apply to. By showing dedication to your job before you even get it, then you’re more likely to get hired.

Too much or not enough

It’s hard to measure one’s own résumé’s length, but it is an integral aspect of its creation so make sure not to take this aspect for granted. Ideal résumés are just that – ideal – in that they’re neither too long nor too short. They’re just the right length. They’re short enough that they don’t’ bog down its reader with unnecessary information, and it’s long enough that it communicates all the ideas that it needs to.


 Believe it or not, employers don’t care much for what you do in your free time. Avoid listing your hobbies on your résumé’ as it only adds unnecessary padding to an already possibly stuffy document. As long as you keep your facts straight to the point, you should have no problem with your content.

Wrong little details

It may seem like a mistake no one would ever commit, but you’d be surprised – a simple typo on your contact page could lead you to ruin! Thus, always check your final details; you’ll never know if you missed a number or two. It could be the difference between getting a job call, after all!

In addition, make sure that all your details are professional. Avoid using confusing e-mail addresses such as blueangelaaa309984@email.com and always double check the contact number you decide to punch in.

The same rule applies for social media. Refrain from linking to accounts that have no relation to your potential job and avoid showing them posts that could potentially be too personal as these may end up painting you in a bad light. The last thing you want is for them to find out about you somewhere else.

As it is, applying for jobs in Yangon or anywhere else is possible as long as you have a good résumé and a strong will to work. If you find yourself at a loss, just remember the aforementioned tips and get your dream job soon!