28th August, 2017

How to Get Promoted Immediately

It’s not easy to rise to the top in any organization. Although there are plenty of jobs in Myanmar, not everyone have what it takes to successfully advance in their chosen fields. Getting promoted requires diligence, perseverance, and patience—characteristics that are in short supply for some individuals. Want to take the fast lane up the corporate ladder in your current job?

Well, get in line

You’re not the only one who wants to be promoted. Getting promoted means the higher ups recognizes your abilities and efforts for the company and that they trust your capabilities to handle the responsibilities of a higher position. If you want to get a head start on your road to promotion, here are some tips on how to get your work noticed by the boss  in order to become the next manager or supervisor: 

Take on Additional Responsibility when You Can

If the boss gives you more workload, accept it! Prove to him that you are adept enough to finish the task on or before the given deadline. Develop a good work ethic and the important people in the company will surely start paying attention to you. Aside from building a reputation of being a hard-worker, take initiative as well. Your boss will appreciate it if you ask him what else you can do for a certain project instead of waiting for him to order you around.

Don’t be Too Dramatic

In an office environment, it is inevitable that you will be asked to work with people who have varying personalities, which may or may not be to your liking. If you do not like some of your colleagues, do not immediately make a big deal out of it. Unless your fellow employee is really causing trouble for everyone in the workplace, you should keep your complaints to yourself. Someone’s music taste or sexuality is not exactly detrimental for a successful project and your boss knows this too.

Exceed the Expectations

Always plan on how you will exceed the company’s expectations. If you were assigned to sell a product to 10 people a day, why not make it 15? Balance the time you need to finish your first task and the quality of work that your boss is expecting.

Show Your Commitment

A boss will never consider you for promotion if you did not show any hint of commitment for your work, even if you have been working under him for several years. Being in the office for a long time does not automatically qualify you for promotion; it’s your performance levels and commitment that will help you climb up the corporate ladder.


Expect that competition will be high; many employers are always looking for fresh, new talents that can benefit their company. Don’t be afraid to share your ideas, especially if you can see that they are helpful to the company.

Whether you are a fresh graduate or a working veteran, what matters is the attitude you display inside the office. Remember that your work ethic will determine how you move forward in your career and life.